Translates into greater exposure to advertising which is why brands should focus on this hitherto underestimated target group . This trend has been observed in the West for a long time but it is only just beginning in our country. Therefore this is the perfect moment and the best time to implement appropriate marketing activities aimed at seniors. What are the characteristics of generation silver and what does this group value when shopping? How to reach the silver generation? What is better to avoid in communication? Which channels may prove most effective? You will find the answers in the article below. Silver generation what is it?
Silver generation is a group of people aged . In Poland according to the Central Statistical Office there are currently approximately million of them and looking at current trends this number will continue to grow. The situation is similar in other Hit Post European countries where seniors also constitute an increasing percentage of the population. The perception of seniors is also constantly changing. Previously aging was associated with decrepitude lower mental capacity and homelessness. Looking through this prism most of the offers addressed to them came from the pharmaceutical market and were mostly healthrelated.
The modern silver generation is a completely different group for which many brands from various industries can select attractive content . To do this effectively it is worth knowing what characterizes the silver generation. Read also: Generation Z the snowflake generation how to talk to them? of the Facebook community are people + Characteristics of generation silver The most important feature of the silver generation is a complete change in the approach to life and old age compared to previous generations. Raised children and no emphasis on career development do not automatically mean that a typical senior will spend every moment playing with grandchildren and visiting .