State of Inbound
TechTrends | Rock Content) Among companies that adopt Content Marketing, 53.3% believe they are at a basic level of development . (Content Trends | Rock Content) The average cost per lead drops 80% after 5 months of a consistent inbound marketing strategy. (Eloqua) Agencies that have a good understanding of Inbound Marketing tend to have a better ROI. (Panorama of Digital Agencies | Rock Content) Businesses that publish 13 or more pieces of content per month generate twice as many visits to their site.(Content Trends | Rock Content) 52.2% of companies do not document Bahrain WhatsApp Number their Content Marketing strategy. (Content Trends | Rock Content) 16.8% of companies that adopt Content Marketing do not even have a strategy. (Content Trends | Rock Content) Organizations that combine internal and external content production are considered 12% more successful. (Content Trends | Rock Content) Organizations that invest more than 25% of their budget on content are considered 30% more successful. (Content Trends | Rock Content) 75% of B2B, B2C and non-profit companies around the world adopt Inbound Marketing as a marketing approach. Only 25% adopt Outbound Marketing.
(State of Inbound | HubSpot) Companies that adopt an Inbound Marketing strategy tend to have a higher ROI than those that adopt Outbound Marketing. (State of Inbound | HubSpot) Content Marketing generates 3 times more leads than Outbound marketing and costs 62% less. (Demand Metric) 57% of the companies that participated in the survey publish more than 5 pieces of content per month. (Content Trends | Rock Content) 61% of companies use a blog to distribute content .